Liquid Lunch Podcast - Sasha Braun rationalizes the Flat Earth Vision

Liquid Lunch Podcast show

Summary: Sasha goes over the evidence that the Earth is really flat and lies at the centre of the universe. Sasha, one of Hugh Reilly's timeless friends comes on the show to also reminisce about the good old days of pirating radio and the Transforum, of which they discuss the potential for a revitalization of the Transforum logos. Sasha <br><br>Then Mr. Braun discusses the mathematics and physics surrounding the theory of Flat Earth, which taken into full account does seem to have some potential for possibility, as perplexing as that may seem to some of us more easefully minded and Governmentally-approved curriculum educated folk.<br> The North and South pole are stated to be fictionalizations, by which one would be hard-pressed to take a little personal biplane and go flying in such a direction. Mr. Braun states that any civilian who attempts to go there will be ceased by the military. <br> If you want to learn more, and also enjoy a thoroughly engaging and interactive realm, visit Mr. Braun's website;<br><br><a href=""></a> <br><br>A neat website where you can float through the cosmos--- assuming the cosmos are real, or but a human artistic vision!<br><br>Recorded live on Liquid Lunch at (<a href=""></a>) with Hugh Reilly and Miranda