Liquid Lunch Podcast - Animal Stories with Animal Communicator Madii Kasem

Liquid Lunch Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br>Bears and dogs and sasquatches in Ontario. raining frogs, turtles, talking to trees.<br>What is Nature Communication: Say hello to a new way of living! Nature Communication connects you telepathically, through your higher heart, to every other living being in the world. Receive consultations, healing, and training ~ for children and adults ~ to realize (real-eyes) your hidden abilities. Learn to communicate with your pets, with animals of the wild, crystals, clouds, mountains, trees, flowering plants, insects, and more ~ or hire Madii to communicate on your behalf. Come to the dance of awakening with Mother Our Earth. <br><br>Animals are here to support us humans. <br><br>About Madii: Degrees <br> M.A. Concordia University, Montreal <br> B.Ed. University of Toronto <br> B.A. University of British Columbia<br>Certification<br> Nature Communication Maia Kincaid, Ph.D, Sedona, Arizona "Animal Communication World"<br> Animal Communicator Sheila Trecartin, Ontario, Canada "Ultimate Healing Concepts"<br> Reconnective Healing practitioner, Level III The Reconnection®, Dr. Eric Pearl, California<br> Angelic meditation instructor &amp; angel card reader Angela McGerr, author and angelologist, England<br><br>Informal Training<br> Energy Healing Tola Haynes, trance medium and minister, B.C., Canada<br> Ho’oponopono Morrnah N. Simeona, kahuna lapa'au &amp; Ho'oponopono founder, Hawaii<br> Meditation, Hindu Baba Hari Dass, British Columbia, Canada<br> Meditation, Buddhist Shangpa Kagyu Tibetan Buddhism, Vancouver, Canada<br> Meditation, Western Drunvalo Melchizedk/B. G., Toronto, Canada<br> Meditation, Angelic Angela McGerr, author, angelologist, England<br><br>Publications<br> ​​True Blue Spirit Magazine, angel contributor B.C., Canada 2013 - 2015<br><br>Media<br> The Language of Nature, radio show host on 2016 <br>In conversation with Hugh Reilly and Jen Frankel on Liquid Lunch at <a href=""></a> 2017-01j-12