Liquid Lunch Podcast - The Meaning of Life and the Meaning of Health are found in KarmicDNA and Medical BioSymBiology

Liquid Lunch Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br>Dr. Richard Leach, Ph.D. BET, author of BioSymBiology and KarmicDNA, discusses with ThatChannel's Hugh Reilly about the personal meaning of life and symptoms and how they point to the steps you can take to get well and be healthy, happy, and prosperous as a natural part of our Life Experience.<br><br>Medical BioSymBiology (life-symbolic-life-science) is the culmination of eighteen years of research, as the most detailed work on body symbology that has ever been presented. Volume One, is the first 240 downloadable files offered as an accelerant to finding the purposeful origin of any disorder in anyone’s stress history. Aside from being the most detailed holistic reference to the purposeful meaning behind symptoms each segment also builds a basic tutorial on human physiology and medical understanding. It’s all available for your use at<br><br><br>Medical Practice seeks to observe physical reasons for the cause of disorder but Medical Diagnosis often come to conclude that any given malady is stress related. Unfortunately, that diagnosis and a dollar will get you a coffee, while you ponder all the many stressors you have in your life. That stress origin of the cause easily becomes an overwhelming task to find that makes us give up in disbelief; "disbelief of our ability to find the stress," not that a stress exists as the cause of disorder!<br><br>You may have thousands of stressors but your health tells you which stress causes what symptom, if you are listening. If a certain stress is the cause of disorder, then resolving that stress is the cure!<br><br>This is the power of this extraordinary resource to understand what stress the body is complaining about in symbolic symptom. This resource enables you to search your stress history for the difficulties of causal life experiences that need to be resolved.<br><br>True Healing is not just physical intervention; but a purposeful process using the wisdom of understanding life to resolve the dis-ease of life that body communication is reporting with symptom. This wise understanding of what body symbology is speaking about with imbalance of symptom creates a step by step process to purposful healing. This wisdom can work hand in hand with both conventional medicine and allied therapy, as a spiritually appropriate way to enable long lasting results in therapeutic success.<br><br>Medical (adjective: health science) therapeutic practice pertaining to or giving evidence of the state of one's health:<br>BioSymBiology (noun: Life-Symbolic-Life-Science) the study of symbolic meaningful symptom displayed in human health as accurate profound spiritual wisdom of life experience. Subsequently, the study of purposeful health condition changes as a symbolic story of life experience, reflecting back to the bearer, as intelligent spiritual guidance in a range of symbolic messages from balanced health to imbalanced symptom.<br><br>No one should suffer endlessly without discovering the spiritual meaning and purpose of disorder in their lives, because that meaning and purpose defines the dis-ease experienced in life as the key to resolve in ending the struggle and suffering of illness, to find success in life!<br>A Natural Language of Life Experience!<br>Spiritual Direction<br><br>Life has meaning! BioSymBiology is the spiritual health language reporting up to date results of that meaning through symbolic symptoms. It's also a poignant recognition of the importance of personal choices and their affect on life circumstances reflected back in health. While the effect of good choices brings balance, exhilaration and longevity, poorer choices develop stress in life experience that is reflected in our health as imbalance, dis-ease, or illness. In these results, our health can be regarded as an ongoing communication of spiritual direction, like road signs, towards what...