The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> EXTREME PRODUCTIVITY<br> <br> EPISODE #75<br>  <br> <br> Today’s episode is going to cover:<br> <br> 3 ways to increase your personal productivity<br> Why intentional self-development matters to your productivity<br> Sneak Peak information on the next upcoming webinar!<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> (1). MAKE ROOM FOR WHITE SPACE<br>  <br> <br> White space allows you to:<br> <br>  <br> <br> Breathe<br> Have time to mediate, pray, and reflect<br> Slow down<br> Refresh your focus on who you are<br> Appreciate the small things in life<br> Experience life (versus survive it – or get through the hours)<br> Be okay with boredom and stillness<br> Listen to your heart well enough to remember what really matters to you<br> Be available to others<br> Be a better version of yourself<br> Prevent over-extension<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> (2). ADHERE TO YOUR WLWB LIST<br> Your WLWB list sets you up to:<br> <br> Feel productive from the very start of the day<br> Align your spirit and your intentions for the day<br> Create a sense of consistency and follow-through in yourself<br> Prioritize the basics of life<br> Create value in each and every day – a day where the WLWB is performed is a day that is successful and not wasted – this drives you to greater overall productivity.<br> <br> My WLWB list:<br> <br> [5 Sun Salutations / 5 Minutes of Abs + Make my Bed + Worship Music + Gratitude Journal + Lumosity + Education while I run (Sermon, TED Talk, or Podcast) + Something loving towards my husband]<br> (3). JUST DO IT<br>  <br> <br> Embracing the mentality first given to us by Nike will:<br> <br>  Help you drive through procrastination – in fact, procrastination won’t be an option<br> Take more action<br> Stop overthinking and overanalyzing<br> Increase your confidence as you increase your action – this will increase your overall output of production and success as you will get addicted to the momentum of moving things forward<br> Let go of the perfectionism holding you back<br> Put an end to the excuses you’ve made for never starting something<br> Forge through your fears by not giving yourself an option to dwell on them<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT SELF-GROWTH!<br> If you think about a personal development plan as a mega project, I want you to understand that the first “baby step” of success is found in becoming the master of your own schedule.<br> <br> Do you have a plan for personal growth?<br> <br> MASTER YOUR OWN SCHEDULE USING COLORS: (Thank you Wayne Cotton for this system!)<br> <br> Red Tape: Things that absolutely must be done (Examples: buying your kids school supplies, grocery shopping, that big conference call at work, etc.)<br> Blue Sky: Time to get up in the “clouds” to reflect upon your life, your business, your aspirations, your purpose. (Examples: self-reflection activities, gratitude journal, vacations away where you allot time for journaling and goal setting, conferences that inspire you, podcasts that invest in your self-growth, etc.)<br> Mellow Yellow: Relaxation, your white calendar space. (Examples: vacation, coffee with a friend, taking your dog for a walk, sipping a cup of tea with mellow music, surfing, running or any physical activity you enjoy, getting creative time, crafts, playing music, etc).<br> Green Machine: Work (Examples: your actual office hours, time you are doing business and making some green, or money, time spent networking for business growth, etc.)<br> <br>  <br> <br> Oh, and if you know this is an area you want to develop, and you’re really ready to move with positive momentum in your life,