The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> CAPTURING HAPPINESS<br> <br> EPISODE #76<br> In this week’s episode we’re going to cover:<br> <br> 11 Reasons Why I’m Fired Up About Life Right Now, and How You Can Be Too<br> Special guest interview from a global happiness ambassador on “Capturing Happiness”<br> A Happiness Challenge for the Week<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> OK, WHY I’M FIRED UP<br> I just spent a week in sunny Santa Clara, California for an invigorating conference with the (multiple-time) New York Times Bestseller and impact-making-legend Brendon Burchard. For the past four days I have been holed up in a room with 800 high-achievers from all across the world, brainstorming ideas and networking together on ways to make more of a positive impact in our world. I made friends from Denmark, Thailand, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Mexico and all across the United States, and gosh, when you are in an environment that large of people who really want to positively impact the world, it’s hard not to feel absolutely invigorated. I met people just like you – they want to make their mark on the world and to leave a legacy that matters, and man is it encouraging that there are so many of us out there on the same mission. That is the kind of news about the world that we all need to hear! We are not alone – we are an army of difference-makers, and you are too!<br> <br> It was the kind of week that you want others to experience. So, in an effort to share with you, here’s a list of some simple, yet profound, topics that came up over and over this week that make me FIRED UP about life this week:<br> <br> Enjoy the struggle in what you do. Remember, a struggle brings you to the opportunity to master and grow in new skills and new strengths. Where there is struggle there is growth; where there is growth there is potential for great impact. Be fired up today about the struggles in your life right now, they are growing you and preparing you in powerful ways!<br> Knowledge is responsibility. Knowledge isn’t just power, as many of us have heard before, knowledge is a gift. And, as with any gift, it is our responsibility to share our knowledge with others. Be fired up today about all of the various ways in which you have the opportunity to gain the gift of knowledge in your life – be so grateful for the potential that such knowledge brings to your life that you are generous in sharing it with others.<br> Always act like your mother is watching. This is simple. Live with in integrity in all that you do, and you will never regret a day of your life. Be fired up today that when you streamline your decisions in alignment with your beliefs and stay true to being a person of integrity, you can always stand tall and confidently that you are living a life of honesty, contribution and love.<br> Perfect practice makes perfect. We must keep persevering towards our goals, with intention and precision, no matter what. As we journey towards anything worthwhile in life, we must accept that failure and rejection are inevitable cul-de-sacs on our road to success. As long as we continue on our path, and we keep striving towards our dreams, we will eventually breakthrough to them. Be fired up that your dreams are within your reach as long as you stay consistent in pursuing them and you refuse to give up.<br> Bring the joy! If we decide to “bring the joy” to our lives, no matter the circumstances or the day, then we can live a life of great exception and fulfillment. We have the ability to generate joy in every scenario of life – joy is an attitude and a choice. Be fired up that by bringing the joy, you can literally have fun with every day of your life.<br> Generate the energy! Like power plants, we all have the power to generate our own energy. We aren’t dependent on outside sources for internal energ...