The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> RESOURCEFULNESS - YOUR BEST RESOURCE<br> EPISODE #83<br> Life’s too short to hang out with people who aren’t resourceful. –Jeff Bezos<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> In this episode we’re going to talk about:<br> <br> How to tap into the ultimate resource available to you…. and how to leverage that resource for your success, well-being, and happiness<br> The 7 things I would have told my 17-year-old self<br> Being a role model through your example of mental strength, movement of your body and meaning in your life.<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br> (1). I have two one-on-one mentorship spots open. There is a six-month commitment.<br> <br> (2). The FREE Role Model webinar is coming up….November 25th …details to come via email list and Facebook, so make sure you’re connected with me in those mediums!<br> <br>  <br> REVIEWS / THANK YOU / GIANT VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE TO:  <br> <br> Jameleeadd<br> To know Mo is to love Mo<br> <br> <br> YOUR ULTIMATE RESOURCE: RESOURCEFULNESS<br> Resourcefulness definitions:<br> <br> (Self-efficacy)<br> <br> (Faith)<br> <br> (Living without a plan B because you know your plan A will work)<br> <br> (Confidence)<br> <br> (Your ability to deal with any situation or challenge that arises. It is the ability to make due with what you have.)<br> <br> (Living with a big vision)<br> <br> (Being a rubber band – to be effective, you must be stretched)<br> <br>  <br> <br> Some thoughts discussed on resourcefulness:<br> <br> Resourcefulness is knowing that you are not with lack. Because simply thinking in a state of lack will create the conditions that produce a state of lack.<br> We drown in the averageness of our own problems when we live without a big vision. A big vision will help you overcome any problem<br> “The happiness people in the world are those who are living out their dreams” – John Maxwell<br> Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest thinkers of antiquity: “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”<br> People are defeated in life not because of lack of ability, but for lack of wholeheartedness. –Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking)<br> <br>  <br> NURTURE YOUR RESOURCEFULNESS: <br> <br> Dream your dream.<br> Adopt a mantra of possibility<br> Write down your goals: 95% don’t write down goals, of the 5% that do, 95% of them achieve what they set out to do.<br> Focus on the purpose of what you are doing<br> Don’t apologize unnecessarily<br> Burn your ships / No plan b<br> Dare to ask for what you need<br> Assess your situations like a commander in war (break it down)<br> Start with your strengths<br> Act quickly<br> Maximize what you have<br> <br>  <br>  Resourcefulness = Confidence = Resilience = Momentum = Acceleration = Success<br> <br> QUESTION OF THE EPISODE:<br> What I would tell my 17-year old self:<br> <br> Here's my answer:<br> <br> (1). You are more beautiful than you will ever think you are.<br> <br> (2). Just focus on loving others – everything else will work itself out.<br> <br> (3). Being a student of life is the greatest thing you can be &amp; has the highest ROI possible<br> <br> (4). Do not worry about what other people think about you – be yourself no matter what –<br> <br> (5). Be the best person you can be, and the right people will be drawn towards you<br> <br> (6). What’s “in” and “cool” isn’t as shiny as it ever seems to be. Know your values.<br> <br> (7). Honor your body because you want it to last you a lifetime, not because you want to look a certain way or fit into a certain size or style of clothes. Oh, and by the way,