The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary: ANXIETY BE GONE<br> EPISODE #86<br> “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” <br> –Charles Spurgeon<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> In this episode we’re going to talk about:<br> <br> My own personal battle with anxiety and how I overcame it / manage it on a daily basis<br> Talk about solutions to minimize the presence of anxiety in your life<br> 8 ways you can manage your stress and anxiety, starting today<br> <br>  <br> <br> WEBINAR REPLAY OPPORTUNITY:<br> A webinar on maximizing your own confidence, self-esteem and positive body image so that you can ultimately pass on that confidence to those whom you influence.<br> www.trishblackwell.com/replaywebinar<br> In the webinar replay you'll learn the:<br> <br> THE "CONFIDENCE HIERARCHY OF NEEDS"<br> 5 ESSENTIAL AREAS YOU MUST INVEST IN CONCERNING YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SO THAT YOU CAN BE A POSITIVE EXAMPLE TO THOSE AROUND YOU.<br> 10 SELF-EMPOWERMENT ACTIVITIES FOR YOU AND FOR YOU TO SHARE WITH OTHERS<br> <br>  <br> REVIEWS:<br> Make your holiday gift to me a “thank you” if this show in any way has positively impacted your day, your week or your life in the past, and write a review in iTunes. Also, make sure you subscribe so that you don’t miss an episode.<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> ANXIETY BE GONE:<br> EFFECTS OF STRESS &amp; ANXIETY<br> Stress affects the body significantly for anyone of any fitness level.  Heightened stress levels increase the hormone coritsol, which ultimately renders someone with feelings of lethargy as well as an increased inclination to store fat, particularly in the core / abdominal part of the body.   Additionally, stress inhibits one's ability to actively engage fully in exercise and activity; stress, when not managed well, can disrupt one's mental health and derail them from their goals, regular activities and basic coming and goings.<br> <br> Stress management is one of the most important foundations of optimal mental and physical well-being.  It is essential for anyone wanting to attain their optimal fitness level as well as for those who want to maximize the possibility of their potential in all areas of life.<br> EIGHT WAYS TO MANAGE YOUR STRESS / ANXIETY:<br> Everyone manages stress differently, and some strategies will work better for some than others, but whatever it takes, it is imperative that you experiment and discover which stress management tactics works best for you.  Below are a few suggestions of ways to manage stress that many people find helpful:<br> <br> Create a consistent morning routine for your 15 minutes of the day that set you up for a successful day mentally and physically.<br> Build in more "white space" into your daily scheduling, allowing for cushion time between commitments and resisting the urge to overbook and overcommit yourself<br> Learn how to say "no" more often to the things in life that stress you out and "yes" to activities that promote personal growth and quality time with those you love.<br> Exercise on a daily basis<br> When feeling particularly stressed, go outside and take a walk or a jog. Fresh air and a change of environment can often alleviate stress.<br> Employ the use of a to-do list everyday to keep yourself on task and from feeling overwhelmed from the stress of having too much to do<br> Celebrate the small victories of life.  If you are on a weight loss journey, celebrate every small step that is positively working towards your ultimate goal instead of focusing on the big number that you want to lose.<br> Meditate, pray or write in gratitude journal on a daily basis.<br> <br>  <br> ONE BONUS WAY – A NINTH WAY<br> This is the way I manage mine – through the tools and teaching I share in my I...