The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> <br> YOUR BEST YEAR YET<br> EPISODE #87<br> Every year can be your best year yet - with the right attitude and right tools, which you can get right here! <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> In this episode we will cover: <br> <br> How to make every year you live better than the first one<br> My ultimate planning tool that I use every new year<br> The power of the “one-word” assignment<br> <br>  <br> THREE ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br> <br> New audiobook for Building a Better Body Image is live and available! It’s $11.99 at www.trishblackwell.com/audiobook.  It’ll be available via Audible as well by the end of this week.<br> <br> <br> If you don’t want to pay $11.99 and want it for FREE – then take advantage of my Christmas Detox special. Purchase Insecurity Detox anytime between now (December 9th) and Christmas Eve (December 24th) and you’ll receive the audiobook for FREE!   Get the Insecurity Detox at www.trishblackwell.com/insecurity-detox<br> <br> <br> Finally – for those of you looking for stocking stuffers or who have folks who want ideas for you….I’m hosting a BOGO BOOK OFFER.   Buy The Skinny, Sexy Mind via Amazon and you will receive a FREE copy of Building a Better Body Image the e-book.<br> <br> The forth announcement – the best Christmas present you can get me is to take 2 minutes of your time to write a review in iTunes so that others will find this community and join it to #bemore of who they can be!<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> WHY VISION NOW MATTERS?<br> Brandon asked me the other day to sit down and create couples goals and visions for 2015… which made me realize that I needed to do that for myself as well! Oh, and if you’re interested in doing a couple goal / vision setting session with your significant other, the categories we are covering in our goals are:<br> <br> Family vision goal <br> Spiritual growth goal<br> Financial goal<br> Travel goal<br> Fitness goal <br> <br>  <br> <br> I really believe that every year can be your best year yet.   This is done with:<br> <br> The right attitude – an attitude of praise and gratitude<br> Back casting with a teachable spirit<br> Future casting with hope and confidence<br> Acknowledgment of needed growth areas, and a plan for growth in those<br> Celebration of growth that has occurred<br> The decision that every year of your life – no matter what it might bring – is only going to get better and better. Life is like a good wine, as long as you have the right, well-trained mentality to see it properly.<br> <br>  <br> THE POWER OF ONE WORD:<br> Clear, concise and focused. I keep my list on my iPhone notes.<br> <br> My past fourteen years, in one word:<br> <br> 2000: Maturity<br> <br> 2001: Empowerment<br> <br> 2002: College<br> <br> 2003: Help<br> <br> 2004: Language<br> <br> 2005: Graduation<br> <br> 2006: Exploration<br> <br> 2007: Adulthood<br> <br> 2008: Change<br> <br> 2009: Rebuilding<br> <br> 2010: Independence<br> <br> 2011: Limitless<br> <br> 2012: Love<br> <br> 2013: Partnership<br> <br> 2014: Freedom<br> <br> 2015 will be a year of: Legacy<br> <br>  <br> MY ANNUAL GUIDEBOOK:<br> Take one hour to reflect, assess and plan out your 2015 based off of your 2014. Time yourself on this exercise and keep a copy of your answers to refer to throughout the year. There are five sections of this guidebook: reflection, growth, assessment, anticipation and planning.<br> <br> 48 questions…<br> <br> Reflection<br> Growth<br> Assessment<br> Anticipation<br> Plan<br> <br>  <br> <br> Get your own copy of the Annual Guidebook for FREE at: www...