Video Game Logic Episode 70: In the Money

Video Game Logic Podcast show

Summary: This week Shrink & Rage take on two Take Two stories, have a quickie with a Forbes article on sex in games, and more in a jam packed VGL. Do you have feedback for the show or wish to respond to something we say? E-mail us at drop by our Discord, tweet us @VGLPodcast and we'll read it on the show. You can also contact us via our Steam group or our Discord. We'll be hosting events, chatting, and using the curator as a master list of our past and future games we've talked about on the show. Check it out for more information. Finally, if you wish to throw us some cash to help improve the show you can do so by supporting our Patreon campaign. Show Highlights & Timestamps Games We Played (6:45) Take-Two CEO Says the Company is Under-Monetizing its Users (1:08:57) More Than Just Skin: How Hentai Games Are Seducing New Audiences (1:25:55) Steam Direct & Upcoming Store Updates (1:33:40) For Honor Has Lost 95% of Its Playerbase, Worse Than The Division One Year Ago (1:52:45) Battleborn goes F2P… Sorta (2:05:36) No Man’s Sky Still in Development? (2:14:40) Evolve (Lan Software) Shuts Down (2:21:55) Community Corner (2:28:40) Discovery Queue (2:42:10) Games We Played Rage: Everspace Shrink: Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition War Thunder Homworld Remasterd Transport Fever Tanks vs Aliens News Take-Two CEO Says the Company is Under-Monetizing Its Users Escapist Magazine Article 1 Escapist Magazine Article 2 More Than Just Skin: How Hentai Games Are Seducing New Audiences Forbes Article Even More Steam News! Announcement 1 Announcement 2 For Honor Loses 95% of Its Playerbase Githyp Article Article Battleborn Goes F2P...Sorta... Announcement No Man's Sky Still in Development? One Angry Gamer Article 1 One Angry Gamer Article 2 Evolve (LAN Software) Shuts Down Announcment Discovery Queue Rage: Hover : Revolt Of Gamers Tokyo 42 MIND CUBES - Inside the Twisted Gravity Puzzle Sumoman Shrink: First Strike: Final Hour Disputed Space