PAMELA BRUNER: Tapping into Marketing Mastery

Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: Eight years ago, Pamela Bruner quit her corporate job to become self-employed. In three years she went from $7000 a year to over $100,000 a year! What’s so amazing is that she did this as a professional musician, a harpist no less! People started asking her how she did it. Pretty soon, Pamela was on to a new career---teaching people how to develop authentic marketing programs. Today, Pamela is nationally renowned as a master EFT practitioner, business success coach, specializing in working with conscious entrepreneurs to build six-and seven-figure businesses by removing their fears and blocks around marketing and sales. She is currently co-authoring a book on EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique) and success with Jack Canfield, author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'. Cindy and Linda are delighted to have her on the show! Join them as she reveals her secrets for Tapping into Marketing Mastery. Have an issue you want to tap about? Call in and tap with Pamela! You can learn more about her amazing work by visiting her blog at: