EVA GREGORY: What if your Soul was CEO?

Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: Known as ’s Divine Guidance Coach™, Eva Gregory is a master Law of Attraction coach, conscious channel, and author of several books, including her latest, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life, co-authored with Jack Canfield.  Eva is one savvy business woman. She says that it’s “never been about what you do, it’s all about who you be that is creating change in the new global awakening.” Join Cindy and Linda and learn about Eva’s business breakthrough, the four major areas that keep entrepreneurs from tapping in at the soul level, her 5-Phase Attraction in Action System, and more!  You can learn more about Eva's programs and services at www.YourGuidanceOnDemand.com