Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome Jonathan Parker to the Art of Joyful Living’s family of guest experts! Jonathan is the author of The Soul Solution, a spiritual counselor, and teacher of energy healing and enlightenment.  Who am I? Why are we here? What is my purpose in this lifetime? There is nothing new about these age-old questions. What is new is Parker’s simple meditative techniques and his practical step-by-step “how to” guidance to melt away blockages that keep individuals from achieving peace,  happiness, and self-realization.  Since the Art of Joyful Living focuses on strategies to create more joyful lives and more successful businesses and careers, Cindy and Linda will also ask Jonathan how connecting with our core---our soul----impacts our professional desires. Join Cindy and Linda to hear Jonathan Parker reveal his process for releasing painful thoughts, memories, and emotions and stepping into a life that is grounded in fulfillment.  Visit Jonathan’s website to learn more about his powerful teachings at: or at,  the publisher of his books.