ANDREA HESS: Money Manifesting Secrets

Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: Join Cindy and Linda as they interview financial psychic Andrea Hess about what truly creates a smooth and easy flow of money in our lives!  She will be sharing money manifesting strategies  that are not only effective - they are also designed to help you step into your Soul Purpose and authentic self-expression, whether you are seeking a new career, a better position, or taking your business to the next revenue level.  Andrea will also reveal some of the biggest money-manifesting mistakes she sees people make, over and over again - and teach you how to avoid them for good!   Andrea is not only a financial psychic, she is also a successful business mentor, spiritual teacher, author and speaker.  She teaches new abundance strategies that are rooted in higher consciousness, self-awareness, and Soul purpose.  Learn more about her ground breaking work at: Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.