Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/15/18

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, the media in America are propagandists for hamas and they have blood on their hands because they encourage this activity by hamas. The more women and children that are killed the more the media turns on the Israelis, so hamas pushes more women and children to the front. The media is giving hamas what they want – propaganda. Israel is simply trying to live in peace with its neighbors, it’s Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorists that are attacking Israel’s homeland. Meanwhile, reporters in the White House, like Peter Alexander, are asking loaded questions implying that Israel has cart blanche to "kill at will". It’s sickening to see Professor Eddie Glaude take to MSNBC and compare the hamas rioters to the marchers in the U.S civil rights movement. Later, Ambassador Nikki Haley remarks that Israel reacted with restraint and the UN record of fellow UN Security Council member states suggests that they would not have used such restraint. Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon says that Hamas is responsible for the non-peaceful protesting and Prime Minister Netanyahu is right when he said Hamas is sacrificing women and children in order to put pressure on Israel. Finally, there was a wonderful ceremony in Israel at the opening of the new embassy in Jerusalem, which underscored it as the capital of Israel. There were less than 20 members of congress who attended and they were all republicans. Why didn’t any democrats show up for the embassy opening?