Episode 16 – Inspiration

Monkey in the Cage Productions show

Summary: As gamers and geeks, we are also creators and innovators.  Whether it's writing a campaign, rolling up a new character, or working on any sort of artistic and commercial endeavors, we all look inward and outward in order to fuel the creative process.  This week, we look at what drives each of us individually when it comes to finding the inspiration that turns our creative gaming sparks into (hopefully) artistic bonfires.  So, settle in, listen up and grab something to write with.  As you're about the hear, if we've learned anything it's if you don't write it down, you might as well kiss it good-bye! P.S.  Since you're reading this, take a gander at our new logo, courtesy of Dennis Salvatier at Salvatier Studios and let both us and Dennis know what you think.  Enjoy! (00:49) - If there is anything all geeks love more than anything, it's exercise, right??  Well, it really should be and if you make it part of your routine (and by if we mean when, us included) the upcoming Nike+ FuelBand is tech definitely worth checking out.  Get a geekout with your workout! (02:58) - If you've been listening to the Podcast, you know we've had a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with Tiny Tower.  Turns out Zynga loves it and is rolling out it's own version, Dream Heights.  Can you say intellectual property?  Check out a side-by-side comparison here, and be the judge yourself. (05:23) - What is the absolute best way to separate a geek from their money?  Well, it's a convention, of course!  Speaking of conventions, with the success of World of Warcraft, Star Craft II, and the upcoming release of Diablo III, what better way for Blizzard to celebrate and market to it's fans than holding it's annual BlizzCon, right?  Guess again!  Robert drops the PC bombshell regarding Blizzards questionable marketing move.  Jay Mohr is gonna be pissed!! (07:30) - Matt made good on his movie promise and saw Wolf Puncher (aka The Grey) this weekend.  Far less wolf punching than to be expected (much to the chagrin of the group) but there is no lack of wolf-on-man action to be had.  He liked it, but probably shouldn't have watched it on meds.  Oh, and wolves mate for life - fact courtesy of Robert. (08:58) - Matt also sat down with his new copy of Witchfinder Volume 2, which left him less than impressed.  It's got zombies, cowboys, and witches but the John Arcudi / John Severin match-up  wasn't enough to keep Matt fully engaged, and he's easy to please, just ask his wife! (11:29) - Ramses was glued to the tube this week and was awarded(?) with an awkward and less-than-hip-hop ending to Master of the Mix.  He also started watching season 3 of White Collar on USA and engages the group in a discussion of the neverending Real World/Road Rules Challenge tv show.  He truly is a sucker for bad reality tv. (14:28) - Okay, not all reality tv is bad.  Ramses has also been watching An Idiot Abroad 2: The Bucket List on the Science Channel.  Starring Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, and Karl Pilkington, it sounds like a must watch show full of awesome activities thrust upon the socially awkward and inept.  If we could afford it, we'd be sure to subject one another to the same sorts of circumstances.  Plus, Breaking News!  Vinny is back on Jersey Shore... and no one cared... except Ramses. (17:15) - This could be the ultimate geek dream come true!  Karen reveals that Wizards of the Coast's new Forgotten Realms Character Creation Contest could place your very own Player Character smack dab in an upcoming comic series.  The upside is bragging rights, the downside... probably the prize itself... (18:58) - Karen talks the upcoming production of L.A. Noir (no relation to the game) on TNT, spearheaded by former The Walking Dead executive producer and the mind behind the Webisodes, Frank Darabont.  Rumor has it Jon Bernthal may sign on for the pilot and possible series.  **Spoiler**  He may leave the AMC heavy-hitter.  Oh Hollywood,