Episode 24 – The Hunger Games

Monkey in the Cage Productions show

Summary: Spring is here, and what better way to start than watching teenagers savagely murder each other on national television?  Better yet, there is The Hunger Games!  If you've been living in a cave you might as well stay there because it's all about Katniss, Peeta, and The Capitol's greatest spectacle.  Join the Monkey in the Cage crew this week as they discuss their thoughts on both the book and the film while also being thankful for not starving and fighting to death.  Impress those Gamemakers, get plenty of Sponsors, and be sure to watch out for those Tracker Jackers if you plan on surviving this week's episode on The Hunger Games.  May the odds be ever in your favor! (01:07) - Robert got "Girlfriended" this weekend and ditched the Monkey trip to the movies, but he kept his geek cred by keeping up on the happenings this week. - MolyJam 2012, @PeterMolyDEUX, Snow White & The Huntsman and regrettably, Breaking Dawn 2. (07:08) - Matt fights illiteracy (his own) and makes questionable gaming choices. - Snow Crash, Catching Fire, Dispatches From Wondermark Manor, The Storm and The Fury, and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. (13:31) - Ramses joins the digital age and experiences a peculiar brand of "geekism" at the comic book store.  It's like socially awkward, colorblind racism... (21:00) - Karen talks about The Hunger Games kicking Twilight's ass at the box office, plus, listener e-mails! - Stuff You Should Know Podcast, SETI@home, and support for our troops! (26:48) - It's time to talk about The Hunger Games!  ** If you do not want to be spoiled on aspects of the book or the movie, you should probably stop listening here, but please, do come back!**  Now, on with the discussion! (28:41) - The discussion starts off on whether or not the book successfully translated to film, how seeing the story rather than imagining it was effective, and the execution of a different narrative to tell the whole story. - Katniss, Rue, President Snow, Cinna, and Haymitch. (35:52) - Robert expresses his concerns about potential love triangles and character integrity, Matt might be sexist, and we discuss how the setting comes to life, plus shaky-cam!! - Peeta, Gale, The Hob, District 12, and The Capitol. (43:20) - We talk about the elements that were cut, those that were added, and some of the pieces that went a little sideways or confused Matt. - Avoxes, Muttations, The Game Center, and Capitol technology and weaponry. (50:39) - We discuss the aspects of some of the other tributes, the ironies of the story, and what the story and movie are not. - Cato, Clove, Career Tributes, Thresh, and Battle Royale. (57:23) - We collectively praise Jennifer Lawrence for her acting and "archerist" skillz and also pity and relate to Foxface and the fate of Cato. Closing Song - Safe and Sound -written and performed by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars . . . . .