006: Screen Time

Parent Driven Development show

Summary: <h1>Parent Driven Development</h1> <h2>Episode 006: Screen Time</h2> <h3>00:17 Today topic: Screen Time</h3> <h3>03:10 Screen time limits</h3> <p>How do we set limits for our children and their devices</p> <h3>06:59 Other people's screen time policies</h3> <p>Negotiating our screen time policies versus other parents opinions</p> <h3>09:16 Is all screen time the same?</h3> <p>Does it matter what types of activities our children are engaging in on their screens? How do we teach our children the different between good content and bad content?</p> <h3>21:00 Explaining our own relationships to devices</h3> <p>We carry digital devices around all the time: how do we explain that to our children? How can we model good behavior?</p> <h3>26:23 Screen time limits per activities</h3> <p>The discussion turns to setting screen time limits per activity, and helping kids budget their time</p> <p><a href="https://meetcircle.com" rel="nofollow">Circle by Disney</a> </p> <h3>30:57 What each of us do for screen time in our households</h3> <p>Each of the hosts states for the record what our current screen time policies are</p> <h3>38:47 Genius / Fail moments</h3> <p><em>Josh</em> - Preordering gifts from business trips from Amazon. #Genius<br> <em>KWu</em> - Introducing new foods early with Spoonful One (link), scientific experiments to introduce new solids #Genius<br> <em>Sarah</em> - "Helpful coupons" artwork #Fail</p> <h3>47:00 Contact Us!</h3> <p>Use your screen time to contact us! </p> <h3>Follow &amp; Support</h3> <p>Please follow us <a href="https://twitter.com/parentdrivendev" rel="nofollow">@parentdrivendev</a> on Twitter or email us at <a href="mailto:panel@parentdrivendevelopment.com" rel="nofollow">panel@parentdrivendevelopment.com</a>. Our website is at <a href="https://parentdrivendevelopment.com" rel="nofollow">ParentDrivenDevelopment.com</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.patreon.com/parentdrivendev" rel="nofollow">Support us via Patreon</a> and get access to our our Slack Community.</p> <h2>Panel:</h2> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/joshpuetz" rel="nofollow">Josh Puetz</a><br> <a href="https://twitter.com/saraheolson" rel="nofollow">Sarah Olson</a><br> <a href="https://twitter.com/kwugirl" rel="nofollow">Katherine Wu</a></p>