Learn Japanese: Interview w/ Kazue from Learnjapanese123.com

Learn Japanese w/ Manga Sensei show

Summary: This episode was a complete treat. Kazue is a blogger, business owner, cultural ambassador and all around lovely woman. You may know her from the LearnJapanese123.com website as well as the Japanese Language &amp; Culture web page. She is a little bit of a celebrity. <br><br>Kazue is a wonderful lady who has taught Japanese all over the world and runs a blog that reaches hundreds or thousands of people every week. In this interview, we talk about traveling to Japan and how to run around Japan in the best way possible. <br><br>manga-sensei.com<br>discovernihongo.com<br>learnjapanese123.com<br><a href="https://www.facebook.com/Japanese.Language.Culture/" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/Japanese.Language.Culture/</a>