EP 036 | Altcoin Fool | Bitcoin Cash Kool-aid | Blockchain Revolution | Cryptocurrency Philosophy

Altcoin Fool | Altcoin Investing & Philosophy | Cryptocurrency  News & Tech show

Summary: We’re on a weekly episode release schedule for a little while. Episode 36 starts that off with some Bitcoin Cash Kool-Aid with special guest Ryan Hourigan from the Blockchain &amp; Crypto Revolution Podcast. We pass the Bitcoin Cash Kool-Aid to Ryan and ask him to dive in. We also get highly crypto-philosophical… so much so that we had to cut almost an hour from the show. If you like to torture yourself and would rather hear the long version, I’ve uploaded it to my Steemit account (referenced in the links below). Either way, we hope you enjoy this episode of the Altcoin Fool Podcast.<br> Links for the below can be found on our website <a href="http://www.altcoinfool.com">www.altcoinfool.com</a><br> Join the <a href="http://t.me/altcoinfoolpodcast">Altcoin Fool Podcast Telegram Group</a><br> READ ON <br> <br> * <a href="https://www.bitcoincash.org/">Bitcoin Cash</a><br> * <a href="https://www.bitcoin.com/">Bitcoin or is it Bitcoin Cash?</a><br> * <a href="https://www.facebook.com/BlockChainCyrptoRevolution">Blockchain &amp; Crypto Revolution Facebook</a><br> * <a href="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blockchain_crypto_revolution">Blockchain &amp; Crypto Revolution Podcast</a><br> * <a href="http://www.altcoinfool.com/ep-021-altcoin-fool-the-sea-of-red-blockchain-revolution-crypto-news/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ryan has been on before</a><br> * <a href="https://dsound.audio/#!/@altcoinexaminer/20180430t082046381z-ep-036-5--altcoin-fool--bitcoin-cash-kool-aid--blockchain-revolution--long-crypto-philosophy">The very long version of this episode</a><br> * <a style="font-size: 1em;" href="https://youtu.be/vMP8XX_4AAs">Kool-Aid</a><br> <br> DONATE <br> <br> * Send DigiByte here – DTd9EHfJCDK8NEVA6m82FhQ59bejuSTyW9<br> * Send ETH (ERC20) here (let us know if you send an ERC20 token) – 0xE3075dE5c724C53153B7d28a99aD6E27cc9fCeF3 <br> * Send Dogecoin here – DGpTGTxbwaUBNJg8CaUWbozWd97AU1YDJb<br> * Send Stellar Lumens here – GA6YFDASRSYGX5LJD4UM2CV5VZUAIRACB7J3YRO6X6JW5FIGBFLRIT6S<br> * Send TRTL here – TRTLv2kLhACcfF7wSpGa8PWMQzWCCYB8D7G7v43YsujUZQBGdBQSXNWT3fH8o9s8tjBRGS2h6NVP4BdTeKKEhf2xaV36eNNkNU4<br> <br>