The Name Doesn’t Matter Episode #19 Apple Still Kinda Sucks, (Suprise Suprise)… and Lot’s More!

The Name Doesn't Matter show

Summary: <p>In this episode JJ and Tanner talk about how Apple has dropped the ball with their new IMac Pro repair program and how it isn't fully developed and thought out. I think JJ still hates the company in general but who can blame him? The guys learn about Ashland Ohio's new scholarship for Fortnite up to four thousand dollars, that's a lot of ramen! Great news about the God of PS4... it's... Good! (However the PS4 pro companion console and controller looks like trash according to everyone's favorite commentator). Another OWL person gets hit for racist remarks and gets the hammer dropped on him and The MFL, (Mutant Football Leage) is going into overtime! Stay tuned for this and more on this episode of The Name Doesn't Matter! #TNDM</p>