Danetha Doe - Flexing Our Creative Leap Muscle

The Creative Leap show

Summary: Danetha Doe's path goes something like this: Her path goes a little something like this: NFL Cheerleader. To Target Executive. To Accountant. To Top 40 under 40 accountant award winner and brand consultant to companies like Google, Audi, The Golden State Warriors, H&M and more. A natural progression, right? Of course it wasn’t that simple. Danetha saw each one of those moments, as an opportunity to flex her “creative leap” muscles. Today, she is the founder of mentorship group Money and Mimosas, host of the successful Future of Accounting Podcast, respected speaker and educator on the future of accounting around the world, as well a consultant to some amazing brands. On this episode, we learn how to flex our creative muscles, how to make our selves so much more than a deliver of goods or service and how we can actualize our visions for entrepreneurship.