Tara Gentile - Standing Out in the New Economy

The Creative Leap show

Summary: In a sea of experts, why do some stand out? That’s a question Tara Gentile has been able to answer through an amazing journey of study, experience and creative leaps. A celebrated educator and author, host of the popular “What Works” podcast and creator of support and social hub CoCommercial, Tara has found success in what she calls the “New Economy” not by running from a market saturated by experts, but by embracing it. Tara remembers being fascinated with different belief systems from as early as 10 years old. In college, she majored in religious studies to try and understand how our beliefs impact our behavior and relation to others. Her curiosity with belief driven behavior has followed her from academia, to retail, and is now a core component of her entrepreneurship. It's her answer to a saturated market. It’s how she makes sure that what she has to say, doesn’t get lost in the noise, but instead, cuts through it. On this amazing episode, we talk how to make sure we stand out, in the "new economy."