40: In Search of… credible paranormal popular media

15 Credibility Street show

Summary: In this episode, we feature an interview with Dr. Jeb Card covering various topics: Art Bell and paranormal culture; Megan Fox gets a TV show to re-examine history; and, when and how can we get factual but entertaining video media about weird stuff. Extras to check out: Daria O’Briain: Everyone’s opinion is equally valid? My arse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDYba0m6ztE News stories: Purple beams http://www.ibtimes.sg/purple-beam-ufos-phoenix-skies-spark-speculation-nibiru-26017 https://www.metabunk.org/purple-ufos-beams-in-arizona-insects.t9663/ UFO is helicopter http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2018/04/30/ufo-landing-or-remote-helicopter/ Drones in formation is a new form of entertainment: https://www.wired.com/2016/11/disneys-latest-attraction-300-drones-flying-formation/ Hosted by: Sharon A. Hill and Torkel Odegard