How to Bootstrap Your Way to Success

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: Join us today on a reality check as Stefan Pretty shares his beliefs why today's perception of effort vs success is so sickeningly wrong. He is talking about the ways to achieve more with less, on how one can bootstrap his business and succeed in what he is doing without the need to depend on someone else's money, explaining how story of a castaway is pretty much the story of a modern tech entrepreneur. Stefan is a Scottish tech entrepreneur, currently residing in Los Angeles. He has given birth to 5 different business since the age of 18. His current brainchild, Subbly, has grown to be a 6 figure business in less than 2.5 years while staying entirely bootstrapped. Stefan is passionate about helping people succeed, doing more with less and rock and roll. Be sure to grab is guide to starting a subscription box business. Today's show is sponsored by is a leading provider of spoken audio entertainment and information. Listen to audiobooks whenever and wherever you want. Get a free book when you sign up for a 30-day free trial at