A Tour to Egypt (Expressions of Interest)

The History of Egypt Podcast show

Summary: Hi everyone. I want to run a tour to Egypt, and I want *you* to join. Are you interested? Check out this short announcement to learn more. Date: 30th December 2018 - 17th January 2019. Google Doc itinerary at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5lcXV2SvOyuaENWdUNab1Nfek5TbkpxZEE0LUpJX19XQ0h3/view?usp=sharing The itinerary - Cairo (Giza, Museums, Islamic and Coptic areas) - Saqqara + Dashur (pyramids and cemeteries) - Beni Hassan tombs - Amarna - city of Akhenaten and Nefertiti - Hidden sites of Middle Egypt - Abydos (Temple of Sety I and Ramesses II; Osireon) - Abydos (Enclosures and necropolis of First and Second Dynasties) - Temple of Hathor at Dendera - The Wadi Hammamat (ancient mining country) - Luxor: Karnak + Luxor Temples, West Bank Temples (Medinet Habu, Ramesseum, Deir el-Bahari) - Luxor: Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, Tombs of the Nobles - The Colossi of Memnon - Temple of Horus at Edfu - Aswan: Elephantine island with necropolis, island temples, the Unfinished Obelisk etc - Aswan: St Simeon Monastery; Sehel Island - Abu Simbel: temple of Ramesses II and Nefertari - Return to Cairo for trip home Cost: $6000 USD (single supplement $500 USD may apply) The tour includes: - Sightseeing to all the major locations (with some optional extras e.g restricted tombs of Sety, Nefertari, Tutankhamun etc.) - All Hotel accommodations - All breakfasts, most lunches, some dinners - Transport in Air Conditioned vehicles with Driver - Guide escorted throughout - Security - A regular series of evening seminars introducing upcoming sites and their history, by me Tour does not include: - Air travel to/from Egypt itself - Personal insurance - Visa fees - Photo permits for certain areas (e.g. inside tombs) - Some extra tickets for restricted/"special" tombs (e.g. Tutankhamun, Nefertari, Sety I)