Social Self-Care (4/4) | 124

The Simple Show show

Summary:   We're wrapping up our series on social self-care with the idea of legacy — but not in a writing-your-will, do-something-amazing way. Haley and I are talking about having a view on life that’s beyond your own short time on earth. This is about leaving things for the next generation, whether or not you're parents. And this is good to think about whether you've got babies at home, are empty nesters, or somewhere in between. There's so many small, daily things we can do to leave a legacy! Notes From This Episode:Social Self-Care, Part 1Social Self-Care, Part 2Social Self-Care, Part 3Follow The Simple Show on InstagramHaleys blog, Carrots for MichaelmasHaley on Instagram and TwitterTsh (me) on Instagram and TwitterNew: Join me on Patreon!For any links and codes from our lovely sponsors, head here