TAS 513: (Part 2) 6 Figure Business STUCK Where to FOCUS NEXT (Coaching Call + Action Plan)

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: How can ecommerce business leaders like you take your brand to the next level of growth? Is there anything you are missing that a seasoned ecommerce expert could help you see? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott sits down for part two of his conversation with Allison and Tim. In their conversation with Scott, Allison and Tim learn about the importance of building your own assets away from YouTube and Amazon, they discuss how their brand is uniquely positioned in the marketplace, they find out why they need to start developing a Facebook presence, and so much more! Discover what lessons you can come away with from their coaching call with Scott by listening to this informative episode! <br> You’ve got to start building your own assets! <br> If you were to take an inventory of your business right now, what assets do you have at your disposal? As an ecommerce business leader, you probably don’t have much starting out, but what are you working toward? What are you building? Have you considered building an email list as a way to ensure your brand can outlast any significant market changes from Amazon, YouTube, Instagram, etc.? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains why sellers like you need to think long-term about the assets you can create to set your business up for success. Don’t miss this helpful episode! <br> Recognize and leverage your unique position in the marketplace. <br> Do you know what unique advantage that you and your brand bring to the marketplace? Seriously! Every person has a unique story to tell and personality to display, how can you use yours to advance your business? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he shares what he sees in Allison and Tim’s brand and how they can use their story to their advantage. While you may not feel like you have a story to tell or you don't’ feel like putting your story on display, find someone who can represent your brand. People connect with people! Learn more about this important topic by listening to this episode! <br> Why you need to start building a Facebook presence for your brand. <br> If you have any hope for your brand to grow its social media presence, you need to be on Facebook. It may sound crazy but it’s true! Facebook is the most likely place where your target audience spends their time and interacts with their social network. Don’t you want to take advantage of that as a business leader? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott convinces Allison and Tim to change their perspective on utilizing Facebook for their brand. If you only view Facebook as a platform to share your content on a newsfeed, you are missing out! Learn from Scott all about Facebook videos, Facebook Ads, fan pages, how to market your product on the platform and so much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this useful episode!<br> Give yourself permission to learn along the way. <br> Has your journey as an ecommerce business leader been smooth and easygoing? If it’s been like most ecommerce leaders, the answer is likely, no. What lessons have you learned along the way? Have you given yourself permission to fail as much as you’ve encouraged yourself to succeed? The path of an entrepreneur is a bumpy one and you’ve got to be prepared to pivot and make adjustments along the way. Learn from Scott’s experience and his helpful advice as a seasoned ecommerce business leader by listening to this fascinating episode, you don't’ want to miss it!<br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [2:45] Scott launches into part two of his coaching call with Allison and Tim. <br> [7:00] Why it’s important to start building your own assets. <br> [12:00] How Allison and Tim are uniquely positioned on the marketplace. <br> [15:30] Why building a Facebook presence is so important. <br>