Low-Priority VM Scale Set (VMSS) | Azure Friday

Channel 9 show

Summary: Ziv Rafalovich joins Scott Hanselman to show how to use low-priority VM scale set for a significant cost saving with Azure. Low-priority VM scale set allows you to take advantage of unutilized capacity without any availability guarantees. By combining low-priority scale sets with autoscaling and mixing two scale sets behind a single SLB, Ziv shows how to get the most out of this new offer currently in preview. For more information, see: Low-priority VMs on scale sets (docs)Autoscale demo app on Ubuntu 16.04 with low priority VMSSPricing Virtual Machine Scale Sets PricingLow-priority VMs on scale set (public doc)Hybrid Scale Set demo app on Ubuntu 16.04 (combining on-demand with low-priority)Announcing low-priority VMs on scale sets now in public previewCreate a free account (Azure)Follow @SHanselman Follow @AzureFriday Follow @zivraf