Centering Truth :: Lisa Bevere [Ep 204]

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: In her new book, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere tackles the question, “What is truth?”. It is a defining question in our current age which is ruled by a shifting sea of opinions and a constantly changing culture. But, truth is person, Jesus. And, he is a Rock for his people. <br> <br> <br> When I began to look at this, I thought, 'Oh my gosh, they were looking for Christ'. The magnet that would draw, but not be drawn, the one who is light, this whole dynamic of being invincible, that’s what adamant means… invincible… it’s also immovable, constant, that rock who follows us in the wilderness… That word in Hebrew means, 'an unassailable refuge'. That made me realize that Christ is our unassailable refuge.<br> Listen as Lisa shares wisdom and encouragement for moms, daughters and followers of Christ everywhere. <br> <br> <br> What we chat about:<br> <br> Lisa’s background and testimony of meeting Jesus and her husband <br> Parenting, discipline and setting your children up to win<br> The power of positive affirmation in strong-willed children <br> Explaining the why behind the rules and connecting it to God’s word<br> Having grace for the season you are in as a mom<br> Prayers for your kids to go beyond where you are in your walk with Christ<br> Doing motherhood well is not the same as doing it perfectly<br> The meaning of adamant and the background on Lisa’s new book<br> Christ is our unassailable refuge, our rock, our adamant<br> We can’t love what God loves if we don’t hate what God hates<br> The danger of pride and how it separates us from God’s grace<br> Jesus is our pattern for how to love<br> You will never regret kindness and loving words<br> Bring in the word of God when you have disagreements<br> <br> Connect with Lisa:<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br> Links Mentioned:<br> <br> * <a href="">Out Of Control And Loving It: Giving God Complete Control of Your Life</a>**<br> <a href="">Lizzy the Lioness</a>**<br> <a href="">Messenger International </a><br> * <a href="">Adamant</a> : Finding Truth in a Universe of Opinions**<br> <br> **Amazon affiliate link<br> Featured Sponsor: <a href="">Connected Families</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> Struggling with entitled attitudes in your home? With kids who "Don't Wanna Do It!" or kids who "Want it now!"?? We created this course just for you. It is four 30-minute sessions developed with busy parents in mind.<br> <br> In the <a href="">Entitlement Fix Online Course</a> we’ll teach you a proven thought process that helps parents and kids move away from entitled attitudes and toward gratitude, responsibility, and sense of long-term purpose. <a href="">Join us today!</a><a href=""><br> </a><br> How to listen to the podcast:<br> 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to <a title="gcm" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> and click the play button at the beginning of this post.<br> <br> 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a<a href=""></a>