Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/23/18

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Monday’s Mark Levin show, We’ve reached a point where the Democrat party is a party of obstructionism, a post constitutional party, a party of socialism, and a party of race-baiting and tribalism. It doesn’t get any better than Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State yet he narrowly received a positive recommendation from the Senate foreign relations committee. The hate for President Trump is so deep that Democrats are prepared to drag this country down to build themselves up. The Democrats would rather American foreign policy fail than Trump succeed. This is the party who celebrated Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who befriended domestic terrorists and yet they find Pompeo unacceptable. Also, there is 9 dead and 16 injured after a terrorist strike in Toronto where a van struck pedestrians. This was done with a van, no gun and no rifle. First the left wants gun control then knife control. Is van control next? There’s great concern at MSNBC that the terrorist could be Muslim because there will be backlash to the community and Trump will use it to further his political agenda. Later, there’s a war on Sean Hannity. First the media seek to boycott Hannity in hopes Fox News would drop his show, then they trash him over Michael Cohen. Now they are going after his business. This is Alinky Marxist tactics by the media and others. They want to take Hannity out because he gets ratings and he fights back. When have you ever heard a media outlet investigating other media outlets?