Is Anti Semitism a Major Problem?

Europe Calling show

Summary: Angela Merkel has denounced the emergence of 'another form of anti-Semitism' from refugees of Arab origin in Germany. The German Chancellor made the remarks in an interview with Israeli television on Sunday after an alleged anti-Semitic attack in Berlin on Tuesday provoked uproar. Last March the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, used the social network Twitter to announce that Spain had fulfilled the deficit imposed by Brussels . With a "Spain complies", Rajoy announced that it stood at 3.07% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), below the figure of 4.5% registered in 2016. Good times are not going to last forever. It is the message repeated by the International Monetary Fund looking at the most notable vulnerability that the economy and the financial system have at this moment: global debt, both public and private. A congressional committee has recommended new measures to combat the problem of underage drinking on Spanish streets – a practice commonly known as botellón . The report from the Mixed Committee on Drug Problems will serve as the basis for a future law covering alcohol, and has now been passed on to the Spanish Health Ministry. ....... these penalties should “reinforce already-existing punitive mechanisms and be geared toward education.” If, however, parents are negligent and there is “evident risk to the minor,” the existing laws for the protection of minors should be applied. Apparently Spaniards are somewhat confused over the scientific basis of so-called pseudo-therapies, with experts warning of grave consequences. The last Sociological Investigation Center (CIS) survey carried out in February included questions on pseudo-medicine such as homeopathy and reiki for the first time. The Spanish government on Friday reacted positively to ETA’s apology to victims of its decades-long terror campaign. “It is good for the terrorist group to apologize to the victims, because the victims, their memory and their dignity were determining factors in ETA’s defeat,” said the executive. “ETA should have apologized sincerely and unconditionally a long time ago.” The new Prince of Cambridge has become the fifth in line to the throne, pushing Prince Andrew out of the top six for the first time. . Amber Rudd promised Windrush immigrants will be given British citizenship 'quickly and at no cost'. The Home Secretary also said those caught up in the debacle would be due compensation as she described their stories as 'heartbreaking'. In a Commons statement, Ms Rudd said the debacle 'should never have happened' and ministers were 'too slow' to respond - but insisted that 'successive governments' bore responsibility............ Scientist who developed Novichok poison used in Salisbury was run over and seriously injured near his home – days after he suggested Russia was behind nerve agent attack. Vladimir Uglev (was rushed to hospital in his hometown in Russia after he was struck while walking over a pedestrian crossing, suffering injuries to his head, leg and arm. Will the trip to Italy be too much for little Alfie's  degenerative neurological condition? Doctors in Liverpool have said the flight to Italy would be too difficult for him and UK courts, including the Supreme Court, have upheld their decision. The European Court of Human Rights refused to intervene in the case. Kids as young as 12 have become victims of revenge porn because they cannot say 'no' to sexting, shock new figures have revealed. School children have been targeted for the crime even though it is illegal for them to engage in sexual relationships and share explicit images in the first place. A grandmother clubbed over the head with a nail-covered plank of wood and left for dead today blasted her teenage attacker's 'joke' sentence of a £20 fine - that he won't have to pay for four years. ......... needed plastic surgery as she suffered horrific head injuries and broken bones in the 'unprovoked' assault during a robbery by a 14-year-old thug....... she hit out at her assailant's 'shameful' sentence after he walked free from court with no more than an order to pay her the paltry sum when he becomes an adult in 2022.