It's My Job

West Chester Story Slam show

Summary: Welcome to the West Chester Story Slam podcast! Evidently, people love their work stories. Our theme in April was “It’s My Job.” and we had a sold out crowd. Fourteen storytellers put their name in the hat, and believe it or not, we actually got to all of them! If you haven’t been to one of our live events, 2018 should be your year. Check out our website for upcoming events and plan your next date night! Okay, so we were listening to work stories. Paul Heck won the night with his story of becoming a lawman for a night. Without further ado, here’s Paul. Paul Heck has earned a slot in the 2018 Grand Slam, where he will actually be defending his title of Best Storyteller in West Chester. Paul won the 2017 Grand Slam and we’re glad he’ll be back on the big stage in November. Our second story is from David Smith. David is a prolific storyteller who often tells at events from Philly out to Lancaster. Here’s David. David is producing a live storytelling event geared towards people who work in non-profits. Mission Story Slam is taking place on May 22nd at Yards Brewing in Philly. To learn more, check out Mission Story Slam on LinkedIn. Let’s hear from another former Grand Slam Champion. For years, Cynthia Angst worked in children’s theater, and she shares some of her memories. Cynthia Angst was the 2015 Grand Slam champion. Since we told fourteen stories at out Its My Job Story Slam, let’s sneak one more story into the podcast. Jane Butler tells about one of her first jobs, doing important research on a rather sensitive subject matter.  FYI - this story may not be appropriate if you have little kids in the room. Jane Butler is currently working on her memoir, which details her life growing up in a rather secluded wooded estate where her father was a groundskeeper. It’s fascinating stuff, and we hope will be finding a publisher soon. Our May 8th Story Slam is themed GOOD VIBRATIONS! Tickets are moving fast so don’t delay!   If you are interested in attending one of our Story Slams live, here are some tips. West Chester Story Slam is held on the second Tuesday of the month. Seats do sell out so you want to plan ahead. And if you want to tell a story, buy your ticket and then see me - Jim - when you arrive! All the info you need can be found at Well, that’s our podcast for this month! If you are a fan of the West Chester Story Slam podcast - please let your friends know, or write a review on iTunes. We are also looking for a podcast sponsor for the 2018 season, if interested, email us at for more info. Thanks so much for listening!