With Deborah Weiss

Secure Freedom Radio Podcast show

Summary: <p>DEBORAH WEISS, Author of <em>The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Jihad on Free Speech</em> and <em>Islamist Influence in Hollywood:</em></p><br> <ul> <li>Dangers of the Islamist influence in Hollywood</li> <br> <li>The Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum</li> <br> <li>The Red-Green Axis threat </li> <br> </ul><p>(PART TWO):</p><br> <ul> <li>CAIR’s influence in media</li> <br> <li>Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the US</li> <br> </ul><p>(PART THREE):</p><br> <ul> <li>What role does The Unity Production Foundation play?</li> <br> <li>The manipulation of media &amp; propaganda </li> <br> </ul><p>(PART FOUR):</p><br> <ul> <li>Implications of LLC <em>Connecting Cultures</em> </li> <br> <li>The civilizational Jihad threat</li> <br> </ul>