With Sean Bigley, Rick Manning, Daniel Greenfield and Gordon Chang

Secure Freedom Radio Podcast show

Summary: <p>SEAN BIGLEY, Partner, Bigly Ranish, LLP – Federal Security Clearance Defense Firm:</p><br> <ul> <li>Security clearances and the Trump administration</li> <br> <li>Is the government’s background investigation process working?</li> <br> </ul><p>RICK MANNING, President of Americans for Limited Government, Former Public Affairs Chief at the U.S. Department of Labor during the George W. Bush Administration, Nine years as a state lobbyist for the National Rifle Association:</p><br> <ul> <li>The techniques of the deep state</li> <br> <li>How the left aims to defeat Trump’s policies</li> <br> </ul><p>DANIEL GREENFIELD, Shillman Journalist Fellow at the Freedom Center for Security Policy, Blogs at Sultan Knish, Contributing Fellow at Family Security Matters:</p><br> <ul> <li>John Kerry engaged in shadow diplomacy with Iran</li> <br> <li>Sharia blasphemy restrictions in the United States</li> <br> </ul><p>GORDON CHANG, Forbes.com Columnist, World Affairs Journal Blogger, the Daily Beast Contributor, Author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown; North Korea Takes on the World:”</p><br> <ul> <li>Chinese &amp; Russian military collaboration</li> <br> <li>Prospects of NK-US talks</li> <br> <li>The joint North Korean-Iranian nuclear programs</li> <br> </ul>