Majoring in the Minors: Hosea

Pastor Dale Critchley Sermons show

Summary: "That is why I'm going to win her back. I will lead her into the desert. I will speak tenderly to her. I will give her vineyards there. I will make the valley of Achor [Disaster] a door of hope. Then she will respond as she did when she was young, as she did when she came out of Egypt. "On that day she will call me her husband," declares the LORD. "She will no longer call me her master. I won't allow her to say the names of other gods called Baal. She will never again call out their names. "On that day I will make an arrangement with the wild animals, the birds, and the animals that crawl on the ground. I will destroy all the bows, swords, and weapons of war, so people can live safely. "Israel, I will make you my wife forever. I will be honest and faithful to you. I will show you my love and compassion. I will be true to you, my wife. Then you will know the LORD. (Hosea 2:14-20, GWV) Note: My voice recorder battery died during the first service, so I had to splice in the audio from the second service, where the recorder wasn't as close to me, so around 12 minutes in, the audio changes. That's why. Sorry about that. I hope it's not too distracting.