4063 Murdering Logic - Call In Show - April 18th, 2018

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [1:40] – “I work in a part of the tech industry that is infamous for its increasingly marxist world view. Ever since the 2016 presidential election I have seen sentiment towards conservatives change from a general distrust to an outright hostility among my co-workers and the industry at large. To avoid being ostracized and perhaps even losing my job I consistently lie to my co-workers about my own nationalist views, instead, affecting a facade of general socialist sentiments to mirror those around me. I liken my predicament to a royalist during the terror, unwillingly spouting jacobin talking points in hopes of avoiding the guillotine. Is it moral to obfuscate one's own political views in the goal of self-preservation?”<br><br>Question 2: [42:55] – “Is the postmodern university beyond redemption? From a philosophical point of view this question is a cracker, because I (feel I) can argue both ‘yes’ and ’no’ compellingly, from an appraisal of the wider situation and my own experience. As mentioned in the question-cum-ramble of my first message, I’ve taken so much from the course—personally and career-wise—that I don’t want to dismiss the institution out of hand. That said, I look around the university at the more ‘SJW’ types, and across the pond at the more extreme American and Canadian situations, and wonder whether I’m an outlier whose subjective experience shouldn’t distort his objective appraisal of the situation.”<br><br>Question 3: [1:08:57] – “I just watched your last video, on determinism and free will, and would like to debate this from a panpsychic perspective. I came up with a quite simple model, goes like this: 1. I think therefore I am. 2. We talk, therefore we are. 3. Language is refined through use.”<br><br>“And then suspend disbelief, and imagine how the language of electrons evolves through the ages. What you end up with is a view, where the human experience is the result of a collective agreement. A hierarchy of conscious entities is formed for the purpose of increasing their communication potential. Is the metaphysics I describe feasible, and defensible with regard to current scientific knowledge?”<br><br>Question 4: [1:45:22] – “I have two toddlers ages 4 and 2 and recently (7 months ago) split up with my sons mother who has helped me raise both children for almost 4 years. To say the least she was slightly unsatisfied in our relationship and the love died between us. I tried for months to make things work to no avail. A couple months ago I started dating a single mom and we’ve based our relationship on virtues and values so far. All of a sudden my ex wants me back and I’m wondering if I should go back for the sake of the children or stay on my path. I feel like she could arbitrarily break our family up at any minute and I really want to talk about this with you.”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate