METAL INJECTION LIVECAST #35- Addition by Subtraction

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: <br> This week brought us to the final Friday Livecast (we're moving to Wed.) and brought us a podcast with 2 hosts who were m.i.a.  Was this a bad thing? Noa and Sid don't think so. Best show ever? Ya damn right…oh and we have a female listener and tales of Jenny's depraved houseboy.<br> REMINDER: The Livecast is moving to Wednesdays at 8pm starting THIS WEDNESDAY! Join us or die!<br> <br> <br> SONATA ARCTICA – 8th Commandment<br><br> DIMMU BORGIR – IndoctriNation<br><br> VINTERSORG – Isjungfrun<br><br> IN FLAMES – Dawn Of A New Day<br><br> JEFF LOOMIS – Devil theory<br><br> ORIGIN – Finite<br>