METAL INJECTION LIVECAST #41 - Hey, Stop Licking My Pizza! (UPDATED with Behind The Scenes Footage)

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: <br> Secrets were revealed on this edition of the Metal Injection Livecast. We start the podcast discussing Noa setting up a profile for Sid on a geeky dating site. That opens up a whole can of worms with the rest of the Livecast crew. Then, we discuss Dave Mustaine being a baby about METALLICA and end off the show as we always do, talking about porn and bodily functions. The conversation was so good we went 15 minutes past the two hour mark, because this stuff was too good to stop talking about. If you listened live, make sure to listen to the archive because you don't want to miss this. Here is this week's playlist:<br> CONVERGE – Cutter<br><br> AKIMBO – You Can Hear The Honey<br><br> HELLNATION – This Is Progress?<br><br> THE CHARIOT – Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Douglasville<br><br> BLACK SHIPS – The Flaws In Self Help<br><br> LORDS – Man, Everything Sucks<br><br> MAGRUDERGRIND – Fools Of Contradiction<br><br> BOTCH – Japam<br><br> AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED – Glass Tornado<br><br> VICTIMS – How Could I Lie?<br><br> CURSED – Negative Two Point Five<br><br> GRAF ORLOCK – Dutch and the Demon<br><br> BUCKET FULL OF TEETH – Lost Keys<br> <br> UPDATE: We have added behind the scenes footage from this week's show after the jump…<br> <br><br> The first half of this clip is shot right before we started the episode, the second half is right as we went into our first music break about 40 minutes into the show<br>