Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: <br> <br><br> This Week's Livecast Behind the Scenes shot moments before the show started<br> This week on the Livecast, we were joined by Axl Rosenberg of <a href="" target="_blank">MetalSucks</a> and Rich Hall, promoter of <a href="" target="_blank">1000 KNIVES</a> hanging out for the entire show. Rich was a little confused at first on if we were on air or not. He also assumed all the callers' names were Darren. But we got through it anyway, getting a bunch of random calls from people with juggalo hate, Emmure hatred, and we got a call from a devoted listener from Venezuela. We played Thrash It or Trash It and heard <a href="">Malevolent</a>, <a target="_blank" href="">Milosony</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">George Costanza Is Brutal</a>. We ended the show with an <a target="_blank" href="!v=DjxE1Ebe1L8">acapella version of Creeping Death</a>.<br> Here is this week's playlist:<br> CONVERGE – My Great Devastator<br><br> LUDICRA – A Larger Silence<br><br> TODAY IS THE DAY – In the Eyes of God<br>