METAL INJECTION LIVECAST #71 - Japanese Fanny Pack

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: <br> This week was the first week since the early beginnings of the show where Noa wasn't a part of it due to other commitments. That's right. This week was a total sausage fest! After a bit of a rough start, Rob, 3D, Sid and Sean got things rolling with talk of jalepeno poppers and then moved to how Rob chews. You can hear his chewing in high quality audio this episode. We also get more calls from Shlomo and a few new callers with not much to say. Then, we get a call from a dude who's sister turned him onto the show, and then the sister showed us her Facebook, and turned us on. Heyo! Cancerscare also submitted a recap of last week's episode and a Sheik/NIN mashup. We also hear our first contribution from MammothCommander. Good times!<br> Normally this is where we include this week's show playlist, but for the first time ever, there was no music break. So all talk for you! Join us next week for another Noa-free edition of the show. (She returns in two weeks.)<br>