Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: <br> <br><br> This Week's Behind The Scenes<br> Noa is back this week and Sean missed the show because he was at a show. We begin the show learning a little more about Noa's trip to Israel. We then discuss a viral video passed around this week called "<a href="">Homosexuality is a Sin</a>" and joke about the guy, and then bring out the <a target="_blank" href="">I Love Doritios</a> video clip. Who else wants some Doritios? Noa then discusses how she traded looks with Eminem at Sirius. We play a few new user submissions from Mammoth Commander, Cancerscare and Maigaard. That and the Eminem talk inspired us to play an old comedy bit we did on our college radio show, called 8 Inch. <br> (Disclaimer: Due to some technical difficulties, the calls in the first half of the show were not recorded. Instead, we replaced them with Charlie Brown sound effects)<br> Here is this week's playlist:<br> <br> The Locust – Get Off The Cross, The Wood Is Needed<br><br> Eyehategod – Dixie Whiskey<br><br> Melvins – The Water Glass<br><br> Anthrax – Riding Shotgun<br>