METAL INJECTION LIVECAST #102 - What Was The Coma About? with Seth Putnam of ANALCUNT

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: <br> The Livecast has returned after taking a week off, and it was jam packed with offensive content. We began the show with Rob, Frank and Noa talking about their experiences on the 70,000 Tons of Metal Cruise. Somehow the conversation escalated to what the most random place each of us masturbated that wasn't our home. After the music break, we were stood up Seth Putnam for a while. We amused ourselves with the first edition of MasterTweet Theater, where we read some of <a target="_blank" href="">Seth Putnam's tweets</a>. We finally were able to get through to Seth who let us know that he was late because he was taking a post-drug-binge nap. Very exciting! Here is this week's playlist:<br> Rotten Sound – Self<br><br> Trap Them – The Facts<br><br> Krallice – The Clearing<br>