Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: If you want to hear just the 9/11 song, <a href="" target="_blank">we uploaded it to our new Youtube channel</a>.<br> It took less than 2 minutes to begin talking about poop on this edition of the Livecast. Noa told a story about running into a Jew on a plane. Sean then finally talked about his high-school reunion. We got a call from Shlomo, who tried to educate us about morals followed by Groban calling in about a struggle he had while flirting with a girl at Heavy MTL Festival. In hour 2, we began by talking about 9/11, and created a brand new 9/11 tribute song right there on the spot that is sure to be a new internet sensation. We ended wrapped up the show talking about our "relaxing" habits. Here is this week's playlist:<br> Death – Lack Of Comprehension<br><br> Hull – Fire Vein<br><br> Last Chance To Reason– Coded To Fail<br><br> Ed Gein – The Marlboro Man Is A Douchebag<br> Programming Note: Due to the Big 4 show being next Wednesday, we will be broadcasting a new episode NEXT THURSDAY, September 15th at the regular time of 8pmEST.<br>