Open Metalcast Episode #74: Heavy Stones

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: 74 is the atomic number of Tungsten, which is Nordic for "Heavy Stone", and perfect to title this episode of Creative Commons Licensed Metal Music. There's a little something for everyone, whether you're into the sludge of Spaceking; the speed the soaring power metal of Judicator, ApócryphA, or Diary of Destruction; the folk metal hybrids of Hok-Key and Калевала, the melodic metal of Trihexyn; or the what-the-hell-was-that of Lambda Shaman. Whatever your tastes, you'll find great Creative Commons Licensed music ready to illuminate your ear-holes that you can share with your friends. Shownotes after the break. <br> <br> * (00:11) <a href="">SpaceKing by SPACEKING from In the Court of the Spaceking</a> (BY)<br> * (05:52) <a href="">Vomitando Miedos by ApócryphA from A Los Motores Del Metal</a> (BY-SA)<br> * (09:49) <a href="">All For You by Trihexyn from Of Death And Desire (Demo)</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (15:46) <a href="">The Elector by Judicator from Sleepy Plessow</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (21:36) <a href="">Men Blunder – Diary of Destruction by Diary Of Destruction from Démo 2009</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (24:52) <a href="">Bomb It by Lambda Shaman from EP</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (30:35) <a href="">Судный день by Hok-key from R.I.P.</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (36:39) <a href="">Речка к Реченьке by Калевала from Кудель белоснежного льна</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> <br> Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or give them a magazine subscription. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!<br> Also check out the other great podcasts at <a href="">Metal Injection</a>, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at <a href="">Metalinjection.FM</a>.<br> If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at <a href=""></a>.<br>