Open Metalcast Special Episode: Club Metal #14

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: Too long have we waited in the shadows, hoping for a change that never comes. The time to wait is over, now it is time to act. Show notes and links to the bands after the break:<br> <br> <br> * (00:24) <a href="">My Life Last Breath by Acumen Nation from Anticore</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (04:06) <a href="">Machine Vision by I:Scintilla from Optics</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (08:42) <a href="">No Longer (feat. Nyku Decode) (Mind-Sex Mix by Freaky Mind) by Dirty Bird 13 from Mix Collector</a> (None)<br> * (16:09) <a href="">Cyber Female by Fetish’ist from Synthematika Four</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (20:27) <a href="">Triumph by Neurotech from (Single)</a> (BY-SA)<br> * (24:13) <a href="">Drinking Air by Cyborgs On Crack from Drinking Air With Eyes</a> (BY-NC)<br> * (28:24) <a href="">I've Sold Your Organs on the Black Market to Finance the Purchase of a Used Minivan by Everything Goes Cold from Prepare To Be Refrigerated</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (33:09) <a href="">Collision by AlibiTrax from Synthematika Four</a> (None)<br> * (36:07) <a href="">Satan Is Going To Visit This Party by Freaky Mind from More Manifests</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (40:58) <a href="">Cybergeist by Crytek from Synthematika Four</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (45:15) <a href="">Vulgar Fractions by Dr. Zilog from Vulgar Fractions</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> <br> Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or put their music onto a USB key in a time capsule. Wait, do we even have USB keys in the future? Apparently 8 inch floppy disks are all the rage now. Well, whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!<br> Also check out the other great podcasts at <a href="">Metal Injection</a>, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at <a href="">Metalinjection.FM</a>.<br> If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at <a href=""></a>.<br> Special thanks to <a href="">MP3 Tribute</a> for liberating some of the albums in this show.<br>