Open Metalcast Episode #81: Shut up and shut down

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: I'm not sure what shutting the US government will prove to anyone, but I hope it doesn't mean that the Internet will shut down any time soon. Otherwise how will I get you this phenomenal Creative Commons Music? Carrier Pigeon? Hopefully not, as there's a lot of music in this episode, including tracks from Amaroth, Desert Icons, The Reptillians, Bisento, Endless Heights, Etherbeer, NUTRITION, and a receont convert to the Creative Commons scene: Gabezia. But rest assured I have my carrier pigeons on stand-by just-in-case. You never know when they might come in handy. Shownotes after the break: <br> <br> * (00:10) <a href="">Labyrinth of Greed by Armaroth from False Vision</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (04:20) <a href="">Black Cat Bone Blues by DESERT ICONS from None</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (09:01) <a href="">Inspirational by The Reptilians from The Breakers</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (15:09) <a href="">Romans by Bisento from Hinterlands</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (21:47) <a href="">Lady Wisdom by Endless Heights from Lady Wisdom</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (24:49) <a href="">El Hoztil by Etherbeer from El Hoztil</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (27:29) <a href="">Dragon Kings by NUTRITION from AGGLOMERATION [2009-2012]</a> (BY)<br> * (34:22) <a href="">Victor by Gabezia from Gizakia Etsai</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> <br> Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or shutdown the government on their behalf. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!<br> Also check out the other great podcasts at <a href="">Metal Injection</a>, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at <a href="">Metalinjection.FM</a>.<br> If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at <a href=""></a>.<br>