Open Metalcast Special Episode: Club Metal #15

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: Have taken a bulk carrier in stasis to avoid detection enroute to Neptune. This is our last transmission until we arrive. Unsure what we will find but hoping to blend in with some Extropian or Scum collectives until this all blows over. Wish us well.<br> Stasis disturbed. Link damaged. Backup engaged. Transmitting… Transmitting… Transmitting…<br><br> <br><br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> * (00:23) <a href="">Distractions by Deconbrio from The Art of Violation: Part One</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (03:58) <a href="">Quien by Echovolt from Odds On The Underdog</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (07:56) <a href="">Culture Shock by Patient Zero from Transgressor</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (11:25) <a href="">Pwning the network by Dopestarsinc from Ultrawired</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (15:02) <a href="">Leviathan by Silicon War Sector from Téchne</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (19:05) <a href="">Dealer by MSHAA from Android 2014</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (22:34) <a href="">Transcendental by Neurotech from Infra Versus Ultra</a> (BY-SA)<br> * (26:43) <a href="">Darkest Side by N-616 from Darkest Side</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (30:41) <a href="">Mein Name ist Legion by Die Leere im Kern deiner Hoffnung from Zeit ist eine Illusion</a> (BY-SA)<br> * (34:37) <a href="">Dancing with Shadows by Opened Paradise from Occult</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (38:36) <a href="">Skeptik by LAHO from Escape from the Dying Star</a> (BY-SA)<br> * (42:39) <a href="">Tunguska! by Maximum Sexy Pigeon from Unfit For Human Consumption</a> (None)<br> * (46:21) <a href="">Dancing in fire by NANOCULT from Nirvana</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> <br> I'd like to thank you for checking out this episode of Open Metalcast and remind you it's the bands that make this show possible so head to the shows, buy a T-shirt or give them new shells to upload to. <br> Whatever it takes, let them know that you care, thank them for making their music Creative Commons licensed, and tell them you heard their music here on Open Metalcast .com. Also, if you have any music you'd like to suggest for the show, send it my way at <a href=""></a>. And remember to check out all of the great metal podcasts on <a href="">Metal Injection</a>, where you can hear all of their great podcasts, as well as news, interviews, videos, and more. Thanks for listening. <br> Upload complete. Now we wait. Goodbye for now.<br> (Additional material: <a href="">214626</a> <a href="">176141</a> <a href="">29815</a>)<br>