Full Metal Hipster #23 - Heavy Metal Breakdown With MANTICORE And RITUAL SLAUGHTER

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: Greetings, listeners! Episode 23 of Full Metal Hipster is here and it's stuffed full of content for your listening pleasure! There's truly something for everyone here. I begin the episode by reflecting on a Blind Guardian and Grave Digger show I recently attended. Then I speak with Lou from USBM mainstay Manticore and Brian and Mike from Ritual Slaughter about a recent split 7" the two bands collaborated on. The split is available for pre-order now on <a href="https://tridroid.bandcamp.com/album/depraved-sacraments">Tridroid Records' Bandcamp page</a>. Enjoy!<br> If you’re an iTunes user, don’t forget to <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/full-metal-hipster/id979789261?mt=2" target="_blank">subscribe to Full Metal Hipster</a>, and leave me some good reviews/5 star ratings for God’s sake! If you’re not an Apple fanboy, you can stream or download each episode from my website <a href="http://fullmetalhipster.com/" target="_blank">FullMetalHipster.com</a>, my <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/shayne-mathis/full-metal-hipster?refid=stpr">Stitcher page</a>, or on the <a href="http://fullmetalhipster.libsyn.com/">podcast host site</a>.<br> I’m on Twitter at <a href="https://twitter.com/MetalShayne2000">@MetalShayne2000</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/FullMetalHipster" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, too, ya bums!<br> For always and forever, the demo was better!<br> Episode Playlist:<br> Manticore – "Black Sheep Amongst the Wolves"<br> Ritual Slaughter – "Demonic Conversions"<br>