Full Metal Hipster #28 - OMG IT'S DEVIN TOWNSEND!!!

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: Episode #28 of Full Metal Hipster is a doozy, folks! On this episode I speak with a legit heavy metal creative visionary – Devin Townsend! BOOOOOOOOSH!!! Sorry, I'll get control of myself. I talked with Devin about the upcoming re-release of 2014's Casualties of Cool – an album of spacey Americana music that also happens to be one of my favorite Hevy Devy projects to date. Also, I air out some music that's landed in my inbox from a trans woman in the UK who records under the name Earthen Shrine. This is a packed episode, fam. Get excited!<br> If you’re an iTunes user, don’t forget to <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/full-metal-hipster/id979789261?mt=2" target="_blank">subscribe to Full Metal Hipster</a>, and leave me some good reviews/5 star ratings for God’s sake! If you’re not an Apple fanboy, you can stream or download each episode from my website <a href="http://fullmetalhipster.com/" target="_blank">FullMetalHipster.com</a>, my <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/shayne-mathis/full-metal-hipster?refid=stpr">Stitcher page</a>, or on the <a href="http://fullmetalhipster.libsyn.com/">podcast host site</a>.<br> I’m on Twitter at <a href="https://twitter.com/MetalShayne2000">@MetalShayne2000</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/FullMetalHipster" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, too, ya bums!<br> For always and forever, the demo was better!<br> Episode Playlist:<br> Earthen Shrine (<a href="https://earthenshrine.bandcamp.com/releases">Bandcamp</a>) – "To Where We Never Grow Old" &amp; "An Oaken Path to a Secret Place"<br>