Full Metal Hipster #17 - Sterilized With Brandon Duncan

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: Bad news, listeners, I don't have a new episode for you this week because I've been on vacation. But here's a blast from the past you may not have heard yet! On this episode of Full Metal Hipster I spoke to Brandon Duncan (<a href="https://twitter.com/expiringsun">@expiringsun</a>). Brandon is an artist and musician who's released music under the name The Sequence of Prime and, most recently, Sterilizer. He also produces and sells cassette releases for underground industrial acts from all over the world on his website <a href="http://www.expiringsun.com/cassettes/">ExpiringSun.com</a>. Brandon's a solid dude and I really enjoyed talking to him about music, cats, and Creationism despite a few technical difficulties. Also, I apologize for the amount of mic pops in this episode. That's a bush league mistake, I know.<br> If you’re an iTunes user, don’t forget to <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/full-metal-hipster/id979789261?mt=2" target="_blank">subscribe to Full Metal Hipster</a>, and leave me some good reviews/5 star ratings for God’s sake! If you’re not an Apple fanboy, you can stream or download each episode from my website <a href="http://fullmetalhipster.com/" target="_blank">FullMetalHipster.com</a>, my <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/shayne-mathis/full-metal-hipster?refid=stpr">Stitcher page</a>, or on the <a href="http://fullmetalhipster.libsyn.com/">podcast host site</a>.<br> I’m on Twitter at <a href="https://twitter.com/MetalShayne2000">@MetalShayne2000</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/FullMetalHipster" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, too, ya bums!<br> For always and forever, the demo was better!<br> Episode Playlist:<br> Girlflesh (<a href="https://officialgirlflesh.bandcamp.com/album/almost-human">Bandcamp</a>) – I'm a Whore for the Fourth Reich"<br> Asylum Sisters (<a href="https://asylumsisters.bandcamp.com/releases">Bandcamp</a>) – "Harder, Darker, Louder"<br> Sterilizer (<a href="https://sterilizer.bandcamp.com/">Bandcamp</a>) – "Humanity"<br>